

TBZ Delhi event covered by the luxury chronicle

TBZ Delhi, Thu, Feb 28, 2019 10:09 AM

A piece of jewellery is a girl’s best friend. No matter, how low she is feeling if she has her favorite piece of jewellery she knows she is ready to win the world with her confidence. So if you are planning to surprise her with gifts this Valentine’s Day then jewellery is undoubtedly the best choice. But selecting a jewellery can be nerve racking. You don’t want to go over the top. You want to give them something that adds style to their personality.

Have you ever thought of gifting your girl a piece of jewellery for her office purpose? Well, selecting a jewellery for office can be challenging. Before investing your money make sure your gift will enhance her personality and add a positive vibe to her overall aura.

Here are some tips which help you in selecting the best office ornament for her:

Less Is More

Keep in mind that office environment is usually a formal setting. Ignore anything big or grand, instead, go with subtle pieces that will enhance your professional look. Remember, simple piece of jewellery doesn’t have to be boring.

Be Practical

Before choosing a professional piece of jewellery for your love remember, she spends 9 hours of her day in office. Ensure whatever you are going to gift her it should be light-weighted.

Stay Classy Stay Elegant

Being classy is being simple and often simplicity is the most effective way of enhancing personality. Gift her pearls which add elegance quotient to her style. Light gold chains with pendant or a ring for everyday wear are a good option.